Aslan X

No-code AI platform: Build and deploy AI models 
for product development in manufacturing
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Foster better and more effective collaboration across design, simulation, and testing departments

Customized Innovation
Provides AI technology optimized for the manufacturing product development process
Smarter Design
Facilitates engineering-feasible designs from the initial stage of product development, minimizing design modifications in later stages
Efficient Resource Management
Reduces time and costs by streamlining repetitive tasks between departments during the product development process
Enhanced Interactions
Promotes efficient communication and data driven decision making

What our customers say about Narnia Labs’ innovations

“Even though I didn't know much about AI, the intuitive user interface made it easy for me to train AI models with my data.”
CAE Engineer
“I felt stuck trying to start a new design, but I found inspiration from the designs generated by Narnia Labs’ AI solutions.”
Design Engineer

We pursue innovation in manufacturing design with AI technology.

Product Inquiry
Build and deploy the latest AI models quick and easy using our user-friendly interface
Connect and use with existing engineering software for CAD, CAE, and PLM
Construct workflows by combining modular blocks to solve various problems
Ensure continuous enhancement of the performance and accuracy of AI models as more data is collected

Introducing the features of AslanX:

Generative design using AI
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Engineering performance assessment of designs using AI
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Design optimization using AI
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Design recommendations for customers
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Need expert's help?
At Narnia Labs, we offer exclusive AI consulting and 
practical training provided by our AI experts.
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We are committed to ensure your data privacy and security.

On-premise / Private Cloud
Experience the pinnacle of data security with our AI solution specially designed for on-premise and private cloud environments. AslanX never exports your data.
Highest Level of Data Security
AslanX protects your data with the highest level of security technologies, including data encryption and access control. We make no compromises on the security of our customers' data.


Want a demo of AslanX?
Click on product inquiry now!
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How many data points are needed for training?
How many data points are needed for training?
How many data points are needed for training?